DE Kofinanziert von der Europäischen Union_POS

Tel: +43 (0) 3863 – 2788 | E-Mail: heldeco@heldeco.at

HELDECO presents new website

HELDECO presents new website Fresher, more innovative and clearer: With our new website presence, we have further sharpened our competence profile. New ideas, new appearance, new website: What we have been carrying inside us for years anyway, we are now turning even more outward. Parallel zur Umgestaltung unseres Web-Auftritts haben wir uns entschieden, unsere Kompetenzen […]

Award with shortened apprenticeship period and 10-year anniversary

Award with shortened apprenticeship period and 10-year anniversary There has been double joy at HELDECO in the past weeks: While our Roland (l.) celebrated his tenth anniversary, Lorenz was able to pass his final apprenticeship exam – after a shortened apprenticeship period – with distinction. Lorenz achieved this great feat in just one and a […]

Expansion: Site expansion at HELDECO headquarters

Competence expansion: Expansion at headquarters To accommodate HELDECO’s increased involvement in the renewable energy sector, the 65-strong company is investing in corporate competencies: Through an addition at the headquarters in Aflenz/Turnau, we are expanding our production infrastructure by another 600 square meters. The newly created space will accommodate additional production machines, which will enable, among […]

High-ranking visitor for the 30-year anniversary

On the occasion of our 30th anniversary, Styrian Economic Minister Barbara Eibinger-Miedl – together with regional business representatives – gained an impression of our corporate developments.